Nails, nails ,nails...


So I discovered that I can make decent poly gel nails 💅on my own without having a course or certificate😁

Boris will open Salons and Retail shops at the same time in April and I will have to look presentable before I start. Since I couldn’t find who is doing this service near me 

I had to take it into my own hands. I pulled  myself together after a long rest and sorted out my make up, hair and nail product collections!

First I looked up on google how to make poly nails at home, and what are the best products to use. Then I found a video on you tube on how to apply these nails. It’s simple, fast, straightforward and doesn’t cost a fortune. They are strong and last long. So I ordered myself a kit and got on with my nails.

Why I never tried to do this myself before I don’t know 💁, but surely now I won’t need a salon for that again. Plus it’s fun to see what you can create.


  1. Nails are my thing to be able to do but a home waxing kit is an absolute game changer in this house! 😁

  2. Hehe, I tried that and failed! I will stick to my shaving kit😁


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